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Yo, I'm MeloNinja, or Ian. I'm one of the admins on the Crazy Frog Discord server, one who runs the Twitter account and the sysop of this wiki. I made this wiki because I wanted a website like the "Wikipedia" of Crazy Frog. That is, have a ton of information about Crazy Frog all in one place. Besides, the Crazy Frog Fandom Wiki was abandoned and later deleted, and "Crazy Frog Central" on Fandom is in shambles to say the least. That being said, I also just sorta impulse-bought the domain, because I saw it was up on Google Domains, it was historically related to Crazy Frog, and could be registered for $12/year, so what the hell, why not? I also have a personal website which I don't update too often.
Anyway, enjoy your time here on my wiki, whether you're here seriously or for the memes! Just don't screw anything up, alright?
Crazy Frog Stuff
- I own this website.
- I admin the Discord server.
- I run the Twitter account.
- I own the Crazy Frog arcade machine.
- I also documented its internals and its operating manual.
- I 3D printed this mask based on a model of the Instagram Filter by @jacko_tc.
- I also 3D printed this model of Crazy Frog by @_poyo20.
- My car's has the vanity plate CRZYFRG and has Crazy Frog stickers on it.
- My motorcycle also has a vanity plate, AXELF.
- I got one-of-a-kind team merch.
- I made unofficial Crazy Frog trading cards when I was in middle school.
- I have a relatively small collection of Crazy Frog CDs and other merch.
- I cosplayed Crazy Frog at Too Many Games 2023 and 2024.
Team mug, bag and mouse pad
My arcade cabinet in my sun room
The arcade cabinet with some more plushes (2023)
Close-up of the 3D printed and painted mask
"Crazy Frog Unofficial Trading Cards" I would sell in school for $0.50/pack of 3. Basically the NFTs before NFTs
My car (2008 Honda Civic) with Crazy Frog decals
My license plate is CRZYFRG
My Ridge wallet I engraved Crazy Frog on
3D printed figure, model by @_poyo20 (given to GTPunk)
Assorted Crazy Frog things I've collected (2023)
My cosplay at Too Many Games 2023

- Discord - @meloninja
- Twitter - @ianwiltdotcom
- Email - crazyfrog at ianwilt dot com
- Website -
I use BlueHost to host this MediaWiki site. It costs like $12 $16 a month (they've been jacking up the price since I started running the wiki in 2020.) If you like what I'm doing here, please give me money :)