The Crazy Frog Wiki Rasta Dog

Rasta Dog

From The Crazy Frog Wiki
Rasta Dog concept art

Rasta Dog is a character in Crazy Frog Racer GBA. He is a dog that doubles as a slightly racist Rastafarian stereotype, with a black T-shirt and sagging shorts, gold necklace, dreadlocks, and rasta hat. He drives a red, yellow and green go-kart. He also smokes weed.


Rasta Dog is average, with an emphasis on max speed and power.

Crazy Frog Racer GBA Stats
Accel. Cfr gba 6bar.png
Max Speed Cfr gba 10bar.png
Curve stab. Cfr gba 6bar.png
Power Cfr gba 10bar.png
