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After rapidly spreading on file sharing sites in 2001, the 2TAKTARE.MP3 sound byte was quickly included in some Flash animations that spread virally among Internet users. One notable example was the "Insanity Test"[1].
Deng Deng
In 2001, someone (most likely Geijn[2]) posted Deng Deng - a still photo of a Ferrari Formula 1 car while the sound effect was played.[3].
Insanity Test
In late 2001, it grew into Insanity Test. This video tested subjects to keep a straight face while staring at a photo of a Ferrari.
[1] Turn on the Speakers and allow the page to load fully
[2] Stare at the Picture without laughing for 60 seconds
[3] If you start laughing consider yourself legally insane
PS: Yes, I did fail the test