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Crazy Frog: Mobile Pet is a Tamagotchi Java game by Sprite Interactive LTD. The game was available for purchase at Jamba website.
Official description says:
The Crazy Frog in your pocket! Look after your own Crazy Frog, make sure he has a balanced lifestyle and he will stay with you for a long time, neglect or abuse him and he'll get angry and sick and eventually leave you. There's nothing worse than an angry frog!

You will need to check back on your Frog regularly to make sure he is strong and fit, to view his status select the Status option from the Options menu. The status page shows you how he is feeling, and you can perform various actions from the Actions menu that affect his status.
To look after your crazy frog you can get him to perform a number of actions. You access these through the Options > Actions menu
- Exercise - Your Frog loves going out for a spin, be careful of exercising him too much or he'll get grubby and weak.
- Play - Make your Frog happy by playing with his 'belly button', don't play with it too much or he'll get tired and dirty.
- Love - Your Frog will need a lot of lovin' to make him happy, but be careful of spoiling him or he'll get sick.
- Wash - Remember to keep your Frog clean, but don't wash him too much or you'll make him ill.
- Sleep & Exit - Puts the Frog to sleep, this means that you can suspend him until you start it up again (for example if you go on holiday)
- Exit - Exits the application, but frog keeps on living in the background, you will need to check back regularly to make sure it is happy.
If you neglect your pet for too long he will get weak and eventually leave you.
- "Play" is actually itching Crazy Frog's genitalia.
- For the pictures that were in the game were used pictures from Jamba website.
- On Jamba website were similar tamagochi games with other Jamba mascots such as Sweety The Chick and Party Bee.