The Crazy Frog Wiki Wesco Merchandise

Wesco Merchandise

From The Crazy Frog Wiki
Revision as of 11:55, 15 August 2020 by MeloNinja (talk | contribs) (grammar fixes, headers changed)

The Wesco Merchandise are mostly clocks and musical items made by Wesco, Ltd. They created three "talking" Crazy Frog-related merchandise, which most likely played 2TAKTARE.MP3:

Talking Bottle Opener

Talking Bottle Opener

A bottle opener which plays first half of 2TAKTARE.MP3 when pressing a button.

Talking VVT Topper Alarm Clock

It maybe was also called the Virtual Video alarm clock, which was advertised on their website's news feed.

Talking Off The Wall Alarm Clock

A highly detailed Crazy Frog head figurine with goggles molded on and a digital clock on the bottom of the figurine. Possibly plays 2TAKTARE.MP3 as an alarm.