The Crazy Frog Wiki Crazy Frog Wiki:Backup log

Crazy Frog Wiki:Backup log

From The Crazy Frog Wiki
Revision as of 20:14, 31 July 2023 by MeloNinja (talk | contribs) (info about backups)
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For transparency reasons, here's every time the wiki has been backed up, as well as the size of each backup.

Everything should be backed up every 1-2 months. The SQL database holds all the articles, their version histories, info about accounts, etc. The "HTML size" is referring to everything else, like uploaded images and videos, extensions, MediaWiki itself. All the backups are gzipped tarballs.

On July 31 2023, I realized I was accidentally backing up previous backups. I left the old tar.gz files in the folder so I deleted them lol.

Date SQL database size HTML size
7/31/23 40.8 MB 2.637 GB
7/10/23 39.5 MB 8.168 GB
5/3/23 34.9 MB 7.969 GB
3/16/23 36.8 MB 3.949 GB
1/3/23 33.4 MB 1.618 GB
7/25/22 26.3 MB 912.1 MB
1/29/22 10.5 MB 460.9 MB